Computers, Printing, and Scanning
Computer Access
Goulburn Mulwaree Library has 7 general computers available for word processing and internet access, and 2 specialised computers for microfilm and microfiche use.
Computers are available to Library members for 2 hours a day on weekdays and 1 hour a day on weekends. Non-Library members may access the computers for 30 minutes a day.
Computers are available on a 'first come, first served' basis, however Library members may make a booking for a specific time by contacting the Library.
- Computer access is available by login only; please bring your Library card and password with you
- The computers will automatically log out when your time has expired
- Please ensure you save or print your work before your time expires
- Any files saved to the computer will be deleted upon logout
- No time extensions will be given
Wi-Fi Access
Goulburn Mulwaree Council provides free wireless internet access from 7am-9pm 7 days a week. Wi-Fi is available throughout the Library building and directly outside the front of the Library in Bourke St.
To connect, select either 'GMC Public24' or 'GMC Public5' from your network connections. The password for both networks is 'publicwifi'.
Printing, Photocopying, and Scanning
- Printing is available from the Library computers only, in A4 black and white or colour, at a cost of 30c per page
- Photocopying is available in A4 and A3 black and white or colour, at a cost of 25c per page
- Scanning to USB is available for free. 8gb USBs can be purchased from the Library for $6.00, or you can bring your own
For assistance with printing, photocopying, or scanning, please see a Library staff member.